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Writer's pictureJelou Lumbo

7 Powerful Fruits for Cleansing and Weight Loss

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

Aside from fasting, fresh fruits are another way to flush out harmful toxins and salt from your body without starving yourself. Fruits contain the best natural source of minerals, vitamins, and fiber needed for your body to function fully.

Before humans discovered how to cook food, our ancestors consumed raw fresh fruits to survive. Do you remember the story in the Book of Genesis about Adam and Eve? God blessed them with plenty of fruits to eat. Fruits are the most suitable food for human consumption.

In contrast to foods of animal origin, fruit generally does not carry toxins into the body because it is digested and metabolized. The diuretic effect of the fruit removes waste products such as uric acid and blood impurities.

Here is the list of the fruits that act as good diuretics:


Lemon cleanses and regenerates the blood. Lemon can help prevent arteriosclerosis, the propensity to thrombosis, and edema, and whenever there is a need to improve blood fluidity and circulation. The flavonoids found in lemons strengthen the capillary walls, enhance the elasticity of arteries and reduce the blood's tendency to excessive clotting.

Lemon alkalizes the blood, thus facilitating the urinary elimination of the toxic waste material that the body constantly produces. These substances are acidic, such as uric acid, as the lemon aids with its elimination; it "cleanses the blood."

Best way to consume:

Because of their high acidity, most people do not consume lemon, only the juice extracted for drinking. Including the peel (if it is pesticide-free) is essential because most medicinal values are in the peel.


Watermelon is a refreshing fruit with 92% water content, high potassium content, and diuretic properties, which helps reduce bloating. It produces an immediate sensation of satiety, thus, proving beneficial in weight-loss treatments.

Best way to consume:

Watermelon is suitable for children as they have poor digestion. You can prepare watermelon by alternating the fresh fruit with its juice. Watermelon juice is recommended for those with weak stomachs since it does not contain pulp fiber, which may be indigestible.


Pineapple or fresh pineapple juice consumed before meals reduces appetite and constitutes an excellent complement to weight-loss diets. It is also slightly diuretic.

Best way to consume:

Prematurely harvested fruit is very acidic and poor in nutrients. Eating ripe pineapple is the best.


Tomatoes are remarkable blood alkalizer, which neutralize and help eliminate metabolic waste products, most of which are acidic. They are also diuretics, thus facilitating the work of the kidneys. Like watermelons, tomatoes are diuretics because they are 90% water. Their regular consumption can help "cleanse" the blood in case of gout (excess uric acid), kidney failure with an increase in blood urea, or chronic presence of toxins in the body because of a diet rich in meats and animal proteins.

Best way to consume:

Eating raw is the most healthful way to eat tomatoes, but stewed or fried tomatoes with oil are a better source of lycopene than raw tomatoes. Lycopene, which gives tomatoes their red color, prevents prostate degeneration.


Unlike pineapples, pears can be picked green and still taste lovely when ripened off the tree. When eaten at their peak of ripeness, pears are among the sweetest and most succulent fruits.

The pear can lower blood pressure levels by producing a mild diuretic effect. Pears contain no sodium. Studies show sodium tends to retain water within the body, thus increasing blood pressure. Additionally, the pear is a good source of potassium. Abundant pear consumption suits people suffering from cardiac and renal edema (fluid retention).

Pear consumption promotes the elimination of uric acid and other nitrogenated substances through the urine. They have an alkalizing effect on the blood, which is beneficial in detoxifying diets that neutralize excess acid residues produced by a high-meat diet.

Best way to consume:

If possible, choose organically grown pears. It is necessary to chew pears thoroughly, particularly those that are hard and gritty-textured, and you should wash well and peel pears before consumption because of potential external contamination. On the other hand, the peel is of dietary value.


Strawberries are particularly appropriate for those working to improve blood circulation in the arteries. Strawberries effectively avoid arteriosclerosis (cholesterol depositing on artery walls, which later thicken and narrow). Their composition and antioxidant and alkalizing properties make them preferable in cases of arteriosclerosis, gout, and uratic arthritis. Strawberries increase urine production and facilitate the elimination of uric acid in the urine because of their alkalizing effect.

Best way to consume:

A strawberry shake is an excellent refreshing drink made by blending orange juice, nonfat milk, or soy beverage. You can add sugar to make it sweet and flavorful. You can pour a spoonful of muscovado sugar. To avoid contamination, you should clean strawberries by washing them before eating.


Eating two or three apples daily for several months effectively reduces cholesterol levels. The pectin found in apples absorbs the biliary salts in the intestine. Additionally, eating apples every day prevents the narrowing of the coronary arteries, which leads to a heart attack. The pectin in apples retains water and various waste products, thus eliminating toxins in the feces.

Best way to consume:

The peel can contain pesticides, and it isn't easy to digest. I suggest you remove the peel because, despite what many believe, the small amount of pectin and vitamins does not justify eating it, significantly if it's not grown organically. If you want to cook apples, prepare and eat them with the cooking liquid so they are easy to digest and appropriate for children. Also, unprocessed apple juice is preferable to that prepared industrially.


It is worth noting that today farmers treat the fruit with chemicals and pesticides. Therefore, one should consume fresh, organic fruits to ensure the absence of toxins. Fruit juices should only be consumed in moderation, as they contain less fiber and vitamins. This causes slower growth, erodes enamel, and causes toothache.

Stay hydrated! Now you know the best detox and weight loss fruits to help cleanse your blood and lose weight naturally at home! If you found this post interesting and helpful, please share it with your family and friends.

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